Grant Write Access To Table In SQL Server

As a database administrator working in an SQL server, one of my daily activities is to grant different users access to different database objects. In this article, I will walk you through multiple ways to grant write access to SQL server tables.

Check out How To Create A User In SQL Server Database before starting.

How To Grant Write Access To Table In SQL Server

Before discussing the methods, let me clarify: When given write access, the user can perform INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations on a table.

Approach-1: Using Grant SQL statement


USE DatabaseName;

GRANT INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON dbo.tablename TO Username;


Let us consider a real-time example in which I will grant Rajkishore write access to the MyProduct table in the Test database.

USE test;

GRANT INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON dbo.MyProduct TO rajkishore;

The command was executed successfully after executing the above query, as shown in the screenshot below.

Grant Write Access To Table In SQL Server

Check out How To Check User Permissions On Table In SQL Server

Approach-2 Using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)

To grant write access to table in SQL server, follow the below steps.

1. Connect to SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).

2. Select your database and then expand the table node.

3. Right-click on the table name that you wish to provide access to and then select the Properties option, as shown in the screenshot below.

How To Grant Write Access To Table In SQL Server

4. Click on the Permissions tab and then the Search button, as shown in the screenshot below.

how to grant access to sql table

5. Enter the user/role name and then click on the Check Names button; once it finds the exact user name, click on the ok button, as shown in the screenshot below.

sql server grant all permissions to user on table

6. Select the Grant column checkbox for Insert, Update, and Delete, and then, finally, click on the Ok button, as shown in the screenshot below.

sql server grant permissions to user

Check out How To Check If CDC Is Enabled On A Table In SQL Server

Approach-3: By creating a Role

Here, we will create a database role first, later grant write permissions, and then add the user to that role.

1. First, create a role using the below SQL script.


The command executed successfully, as shown below.

grant select on table to user sql server

2. we need to grant write permissions to the above role using the below query. Where dbo.NewOrder is the table name.


The command executed successfully, as shown in the screenshot below.

sql server grant permissions to a user

3. Finally, we need to add a user to the above role using the below query.


The query was executed successfully, as shown below.

sql server grant access to user


Granting write access to tables in SQL Server is crucial when you see it from a data security point of view. As a SQL developer or DBA, it is important for you to know the best approach to do this. You can refer to the information mentioned in this article to achieve this.

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