How To Create A Table Variable In SQL Server

Last week, our client required us to work with tabular data. After analyzing this requirement, we identified a few ways to do this. I will discuss creating a table variable in an SQL server using practical examples and scenarios in this article.

Table variables in SQL Server are like local variables that can hold tabular data. You can reference them using a stored procedure or batch operations.

Create a table variable in the SQL Server

Below is the syntax


    FirstColumn DataType,
    SecondColumn DataType,
    -- Add more columns as needed

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Let us discuss a real-time example of one critical Product from a USA-based MNC. We can declare table variables in the SQL server using the query below.

DECLARE @ProductInfo TABLE (
    ProductID INT,
    ProductName NVARCHAR(60),
    ProductType NVARCHAR(60),
    Reviews INT

Now, let us use the below query to insert data into it.

INSERT INTO @ProductInfo (ProductID, ProductName, ProductType, Reviews)
    (1, 'Dolo', 'Medicine', 5),
    (2, 'Mobile', 'Electronics',4);

Check out the screenshot below, where we executed the above queries successfully.

How To Create A Table Variable In SQL Server

Now, we can call the table variable like the one below from any of the batch queries.

SELECT * FROM @ProductInfo WHERE ProductID = 2;

After executing the above query, I got the expected output, as shown below.

how to use table variable in sql server

We can also declare the table variables with the primary key, like in the query below.

DECLARE @ProductInfo TABLE (
    ProductName NVARCHAR(60),
    ProductType NVARCHAR(60),
    Reviews INT
declare table variable in sql server

Check out How To Change Column Name In SQL Server

The screenshot below shows you can also declare table variables in an SQL server in a stored procedure.

declare table variable in sql server stored procedure


Table variables in SQL Server are a great way to manage temporary data within a stored procedure or batch queries that help write more efficient and easy-to-maintain code. You can easily create a table variable in the SQL Server using the information mentioned in this article.

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