How To Duplicate A Table In SQL Server

Recently, we were required to set up a QA environment where we had to create all the tables as they were in the dev environment. So, as a developer on an SQL server, I analyzed the complete requirement and concluded that we should duplicate all the tables from the dev environment to the QA environment.

Approach-1: Using the SELECT INTO Statement

The best and most straightforward way to duplicate a table in an SQL server is to use the SELECT INTO Statement, which creates the exact copy of the table structure with data.


SELECT * INTO TableName_Copy
FROM TableName


The below query will create a duplicate Order table.

SELECT * INTO Order_Copy
FROM [Order]

After executing the above query, a duplicate of the Order table was successfully created, as shown in the screenshot below.

How To Duplicate A Table In SQL Server

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Now, if we execute the select query below, you can see we got the expected output, as shown below.

Select * from Order_Copy
how to create duplicate table in sql server

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Approach-2: Using CREATE TABLE and then execute INSERT INTO statement

First, create table statement to create a new table.

    OrderID INT,
    ProductID INT,
    OrderName nvarchar(50),
    OrderType nvarchar(50),
	TotalAmount INT

After executing the above query, the table was created successfully.

duplicate table sql server

Now, let us execute the INSERT INTO statement to copy the data from the original table.

SELECT OrderID, ProductID, OrderName, OrderType, TotalAmount
FROM [Order]

After executing the above query, the data is copied from the Order table.

how to duplicate table in sql server

To cross-check if the data was copied successfully, let us execute the below select query.

Select * from Order_Clone
create a duplicate table in sql server

Check out: How To Rename The Table Name In SQL Server

Approach-3: Using SQL Server Management Studio

1. Open SSMS and right-click on the table name –> Script Table as –> CREATE To –> Select the New Query Editor Window option as shown in the screenshot below.

duplicate table sql server management studio

Modify the name of the table and then execute this query.

USE [Test]

/****** Object:  Table [dbo].[Order]    Script Date: 06-10-2024 13:07:00 ******/


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Order_New](
	[OrderName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[OrderType] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[OrderID] [int] NULL,
	[ProductID] [int] NULL,
	[TotalAmount] [int] NULL

After executing the above query, the new table was created successfully, as shown below.

2. Now, execute the below insert query to copy the data to the Order_new table.

SELECT OrderID, ProductID, OrderName, OrderType, TotalAmount
FROM [Order]


Duplicating tables in SQL Server is a common task that can be completed using various approaches. Based on your requirements, you can use the information in this article to complete this task.

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