How To Shrink A Database In SQL Server

How To Shrink A Database In SQL Server

Recently, my team got a requirement to reduce the size of one of our SQL Server databases to boost the performance of that DB. As a team, we analyzed this requirement and identified a few ways to do this. In this article, I will walk you through multiple ways to shrink a database in SQL … Read more

How To Generate Script Of Table With Data In SQL Server

How To Generate Script Of Table With Data In SQL Server

Recently, we were working on an SQL Server database migration project. For the critical tables, we generated scripts, including their data, which made our job easy during migration activities. In this article, I will walk you through all the steps to generate the script for the table with data in SQL Server in real-time. How … Read more

How To Create A User In SQL Server Database

How To Create A User In SQL Server Database

As a DBA working with SQL server and managing SQL Server environments, I have created tons of users in SQL server. It is crucial to know how to do this task smoothly. In this article, I will walk you through the simplest approaches I used to follow to create SQL server user. How To Create … Read more