How To Drop Temp Table If Exists In SQL Server

How to drop temp table if exists in SQL Server

Note that temporary tables are automatically deleted when the session ends; however, you can explicitly delete the temp table using the approaches below. Approach-1 Using the DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Syntax For example, Let us try to delete an existing temp table named #Product. Before that, we can check with the select query to see … Read more

How To Insert Into Temp Table In SQL Server

How to insert into temp table in SQL Server

Recently, we worked on a requirement that required us to deal with temporary data storage. This is when we started inserting data into our temp table. During this journey, we identified a few simple and easy-to-use approaches. In this article, we will discuss all those approaches to inserting data into the temp table in the … Read more

How To Find Column Name In Table SQL Server

How to find column name in table SQL Server

It is easy to retrieve all the column names in a table. Let’s understand the whole process using a real-time example. I have an existing table named Vehicle. I want to know the column names available inside that table. There are two simple approaches to getting this. Approach-1 Using the sys.columns We can execute the … Read more

How To Check If Column Exists In SQL Server Database

How to check if column exists in SQL Server database

Recently, my team was tasked with implementing a new feature in one of our products that requires adding a new column to an existing table in our SQL database. As a research, we have identified a few best approaches to do this. In this article, we will discuss 3 simple approaches to checking whether a … Read more

How To Change Column Name In SQL Server

How to change column name in SQL Server

Recently, I had the opportunity to work on an important table where I just needed to rename a few columns. Though it looks so simple, since it was a production environment, I was a little careful while doing this. The first thing I did was take a proper backup, and then I followed one of … Read more

How To Add A Column To A Table In SQL Server

How to add a column to a table in SQL Server

Recently, my team was required to add a new column with critical data to an existing table. We used the ALTER TABLE Statement in the SQL server to add a column to the table. But before that, we ensured that we took the proper backup. Let us discuss this with a real-time example to give … Read more

How To Create A Temp Table In SQL Server

How to create a temp table in SQL Server

Temp tables in SQL Server can be local or global. The name of the local temporary table starts with a # symbol, whereas the name of the Global temp table starts with a ## symbol. Below are two simple approaches to creating the temp table. Approach 1: Using the standard Create statement You can use … Read more

How To Reset Identity Column Value In SQL Server

How to reset identity column value in SQL Server

We can use the identity column to generate an autogenerated and identity value in SQL Server. It has 2 values: seed and increment. Now, the new values will be autogenerated based on these values. The syntax is like below. Now, Let’s understand this concept with an example of when the reset identity column is required … Read more

How To Check Identity Column In SQL Server

How to check identity column in SQL Server

There are multiple ways to check if a column is identity in SQL Server. We will discuss each approach individually. How to check if column is identity in SQL Server Approach-1: Using SQL Server Management Studio UI This is the most basic approach that you can utilize. For example, I have an Orders table with … Read more

How To Turn Off Identity Column In SQL Server

How to turn off identity column in SQL Server

I recently participated in a webinar, and one guy asked me about the possible approaches to disabling the identity column in SQL Server. Let me summarize the information for you. To turn off the identity column in SQL, you must set the IDENTITY_INSERT property to OFF. Let’s look at the complete steps with an example … Read more